On-Line Command and Function Reference for Paccomm Firmware

Upper case/bold portion of command is the shortest useable form.
Default values are in bold face type or parenthesis.
Call string = call #1[-n] [via call #2[-n] [call #3 [-n] … [call #9 [-n]]]
[1] Not available on all models [2] Default varies [3] Export only [4] PMS user only
[5] PMS user & SysOp [6] Identifies Health Counters and Indicators [7]Identifies Functions

Command Argument Description

?APRS? [7]

When found in the data field of a received frame, TNC initiates transmission of GPS capture buffers (see LOC)

3rdparty ON|OFf

Allow PMS messages to other than SysOp

8bitconv ON|OFf Pass or strip high-order bit in CONV mode
ACKprior ON|OFf Enable prioritized acknowledgements
ACKTime n = 0-250 (14) Sets delay for prioritized acknowledgement
ADrdisp ON|OFf Displays addresses for monitored frames
AMonth ON|OFf Select alphabetic or numeric month in date
ASyrxovr [6] none Async. receive overflow error counter
ASYFrerrr [6] none Async. framing error counter
ASYQover [6] none Async. overflow error counter
AUTOFwd ON|OFf Enable automatic forwarding of PMS messages
AUtolf ON|OFf Send linefeed to terminal after each CR
AWlen n = 7-8 Number of bits in each byte sent to terminal
Ax2512v2 ON|OFf Select Ver. 2.0 (ON) or 1.0 of AX.25 protocol
AXDelay n = 0-180 Extra keyup delay for voice rptr (n * 0.1 sec)
AXHang n = 0-20 Voice repeater hang time (n * 0.1 sec)
BAud [1] none Sets terminal and radio baud rates
BBfailed none bbRAM failure message
BBSmsgs ON|OFf Alter message display for BBS applications
Beacon E|A n=0-250 Beacon timing/mode (E|A)(0-250 *10 sec)
BSLot n = 0-59 (60) Value indicates second to be used, 60 disables beacon slotting function
BESLot ON|OFf (ON)Selects TDMA beacon timing (OFF) selects conventional timing
BKondel ON|OFf Select (ON) backspace or del for DEL key
BRAange [1] n = 1-4 (3) Sets beacon timer interval
BReak ON|OFf Enable response to BREAK signal
BSUBSLOT n = 1-9 (0) Value indicates tenth of a second slot to be used, 0 disables
BText text Text to be sent as beacon (max 120 chars). BT % clears this field.
BUdlist ON|OFf Treat LCALLS as the only stations to monitor
Bye [4] none PMS user command to exit the PMS
CALibra [1] none Enable calibrate mode for the built-in modem
CALSet [1] n = 0-65335 Sets parameters for CAL “LED counter”
CANline n = 0-$7F ($18 ^X) Sets Cancel-line character
CANPac n = 0-$7F ($19 ^X) Sets Cancel-packet character
CBell ON|OFf Enable (ON) connect bell on terminal
CHeck n = 0-250 (12) Connection check time (n * 10 sec)
CHECKV1 ON|OFf Enables Checktime for AX.25L2V1
CLKadj n = 0-65335 Real time clock adjustment (slows clock)
CLKSet ON|OFf Enable clock setting by BBS connection
CMdtime n = 0-255 (1) Sets the transparent mode timeout value
CMSg ON|OFf Enable the connect message function
CMSDGisc ON|OFf Enable forced disconnect after Connect Msg
COMmand n = 0-$7F ($03) Set CONV to CMD mode entry character
CONMode CONV|TR Mode to enter when connection occurs
Connect Call string Open a connection via optional repeaters
CONOk ON|OFf Enable accepting connections
CONPerm ON|OFf Select temporary or permanent connection
CONRPT ON|OFf Xmits GPS capture buffers (LTEXT, L1, L2, L3text), STEXT (if not blank), and CTEXT (if CMSG is ON) , when station connects to TNC
CONStamp ON|OFf Print date and time on connect messages
CONVerse none Enter CONV mode from CMD mode (alt = K)
CPactime ON|OFf Enable CONV mode timed packet dispatch
CR ON|OFf Select appending a CR to each data packet
CRAfter ON |OFf Add CR after monitored frame
CStatus none Display the status of all streams
CText text Connect Message Text (120 characters). CT % clears this field.
CWid [3] E|A n=0-250 CWID frequency/mode (E|A)(0-250 *100 sec)
CWIdtext [3] text Up to 32 alphanumeric characters for CWID
CWLen [3] n = 1-9 (6) Set CWID wpm (9=13, 6=20, 3=40)
DAytime yymmddhhmmss Set or display date and time
DAYUsa ON|OFf [2] Date format mm/dd/yy (ON) or dd-mm-yy
DEAdtime n = 0-250 (20) Sets the length of the slot used in SLOTS
DELete ON|OFf Select BS char: BS($08)(OFF) or DEL($7F)
DIGI-NOT-OWN [7] This function causes the TNC to never digipeat a frame that was originated with that TNC’s MYCALL. It prevents multiple repeating of the same frame due to multiple alias callsigns.
DIGI-ONCE [7] This function causes the TNC to only digipeat a frame once when it finds its MYCALL in the path and the “has been repeated” bit is on.
DIGIpeat n = 0-8 0= DIGIpeat OFF (the old DIGI N)
1=DIGIpeat ON and DIGI-SWAP enabled
2= DIGIpeat ON and DIGI-NOT-OWN enabled
3=DIGIpeat ON, DIGI-NOT-OWN and DIGI-SWAP enabled
4= DIGIpeat ON and DIGI-ONCE enabled
5= DIGIpeat ON , DIGI-SWAP and DIGI-ONCE enabled
6=DIGIpeat ON, DIGI-NOT-OWN and DIGI-ONCE enabled
7=DIGIpeat ON, DIGI-SWAP, DIGI-NOT-OWN, and DIGI-ONCE enabled (Default)
8=DIGIpeat ON (like the old DIGI Y with no new features)
DIGISent [6] none Digipeated frames sent counter
DIGI-SWAP [7] This function causes the TNC to replace the alias call in a frame with the MYCALL when the TNC digipeats a frame. This allows subsequent stations to know the real path taken by the frame so that a reverse addressed frame may be sent back. It also puts valid packet station identification in the frame.
Disconnect none Teardown connection on current stream
DISPlay A,B,C,G,H,I,L,M,P,T Display ALL or selected parameters (i.e G = GPS parameters, etc.)
DWait n = 0-250 (0) Extra digipeater delay (n * 10 msec)
Echo ON|OFf Echo parameters typed on keyboard
EBEacon ON|OFf Sends BTEXT to the terminal port vice RF port
EDithdr [5] to call, @ call Edit PMS message ‘to’ or ‘@ BBS’ callsigns
ELOc ON|OFf Select async or RF location beacon
EScape ON|OFf Set ESC character ($1B)(OFF) or ($24)(ON)
FIrmrnr ON|OFf Reduce frequent polling of busy packet stations
FIXType n = 0-4 (1) Type of search to indicate good GPS fix
Flow ON|OFf Inhibit output to terminal while user is typing
FOrward [5] Msg # Cause PMS Msg # to be reverse forwarded
FNPms callsign [via callsign #2] Force PMS forward via node
FPms callsign [via callsign #2] Force PMS forwarding
FRack n = 1-15 (3) Set time to wait for packet ack
FSCreen ON|OFf Select four column DISPLAY presentation
FUllduplex ON|OFf Select simplex or duplex mode
GPS ON|OFf Configure the serial port for a GPS receiver
GPSExit none (1) Sets character to exit GPS scan mode
GPSItext blank Command string sent to GPS if GPS=ON. GPSI % clears this field.
GPSTExt $GPGGA Fill-in GPS NMEA-183 string to be used. GPSTE % clears this field.
GPSType [1] n = 0-8 Selects type of GPS string format
HEaderli ON|OFf Header and text on same/separate lines
HEALled ON|OFf Normal/software test by CON/STA LEDs
Help or ? [4] none PMS Help display for the PMS user
HId ON|OFf Enable ID packet every 9.5 minutes
HOMebbs callsign Callsign of ‘Home BBS’ serving you PMS
HOvrerr [6] none HDLC over run error counter
HUndrerr [6] none HDLC under run error counter
Id none Send ID packet (UI frame via UNproto path
Jlog [4] none Displays the MHEARD for the PMS user
K none Alternative form of the CONV command
KIll or Kill [4] n Kill (delete) message number n from PMS
KILONFWD ON|OFf Kill (delete) PMS messages after forwarding
KISs ON|OFf Select KISS mode. Must follow by RESTART
KM [5] none Kill all PMS messages addressed to my callsign
LCAlls call # 1-8 Callsigns to receive or ignore (see BUDLIST )
LCok ON|OFf Convert lower to UPPER case (async)
LCStream ON|OFf Allow STREAM ID char to be lower case
LFadd ON|OFf All Line Feed to each CR sent to terminal
LFIgnore ON|OFf Filter embedded linefeeds in received data
LGEtchar n = 0-$7F ($00) Set character to trigger async LTEXT dump
** LGEtchar should be set to $05 for use with APRS Release 74d and later**
LG1text none String accepted from GPS for PMS history log. LG1 % clears this field.
LG2text none String accepted from GPS for PMS history log. LG2 % clears this field.
LG3text none String accepted from GPS for PMS history log. LG3 % clears this field.
List [5] none List the 10 most recent PMS messages
LOCation E|A n =0-250 Position report timing/mode (E|A)(0-250 *10sec )
LOGonmsg ON|OFf Enable standard PMS logon message
LPATH call string (GPS) Path & address to send UI location frames
LTEXT Waiting Data from GPS String accepted from GPS to be sent by LOC command. LTEXT % clears this field.
L1text Waiting Data from GPS String accepted from GPS to be sent by LOC command. L1 % clears this field.
L2 text Waiting Data from GPS String accepted from GPS to be sent by LOC command. L2 % clears this field.
L3 text Waiting Data from GPS String accepted from GPS to be sent by LOC command. L3 % clears this field.
LSLOT n = 0-59 (60) Selects second location beacon is sent
LSLOTMIN n = 0-59 (60) Selects minute LSLOT timing applies to
LSUBSLOT none Divides LSLOT into two time slots
MAll ON|OFf Monitor connected frames and UI frames
MAXframe[2] n = 1-7 (4) Number of outstanding frames allowed
MCOM ON|OFf Display data/all (CON/DIS/UA/DM) frames
MCon ON|OFf Monitor UI frames while connected
MFilter n = 0-$7F Four characters to purge from monitored data
MHClear none Clear the Calls Heard list
MHeard none Shows calls heard and date/time (if clock set)
MIne or Mine[4] none List messages to/from callsign
MKiss none Immediate entry into KISS mode
Monitor ON|OFf Monitor ON – see BUD, MALL, MCON, MST
MRpt ON|OFf Display monitored digipeater paths
MSGHdr ON|OFf Add message header to forwarded messages
MSGRoute ON|OFf Deletes most BBS routing history in PMS msg
MStamp ON|OFf Select time stamping of monitored frames
MYAlias call [-n] (none) Alternate callsign (for digipeater use )
MY1alias call [-n] (none) Alternate callsign (for digipeater use)
MY2alias call [-n] (none) Alternate callsign (for digipeater use)
MY3alias call [-n] (none) Alternate callsign (for digipeater use)
MYcall call [-n] (NOCALL) Station callsign for ID and linking
MYPcall call [-n] (none) PMS callsign (different than MYCALL)
MYRose call [-n] Callsign of local ROSE switch
NEwmode ON|OFf Select timing and method of changing modes
NODetext text (blank) Callsign string for FNPMS command. NOD % clears this field.
NOmode ON|OFf Allow explicit mode change only
NUcr ON|OFf Select sending NULLS ($00) after a CR
NULf ON|OFf Select sending NULLS ($00) after a LF
NULLs n = 0-30 # of nulls sent if NUcr or NULf enabled
Paclen [2] n = 0-255 (128) Number of bytes of data in a frame
PACTime E|A n = 0-250 (A 10) TRANS mode timer (n * 100 ms)
PARity n = 0-3 Serial parity: 0/2=none, 1=odd, 3=even
PASs n = 0-$7F ($16^V) Sets the value of the PASS char
PASSAll ON|OFf Display frames with valid CRC or all frames
PASSWD[1] (PASSWORD) Remote Call password (19 char maximum)
PErsist n = 0-255 (63) Set threshold for KISS retry probability
PIdcheck ON|OFf Select all protocol ID or PID F0
PMs ON|OFf Enable Personal Message System
PMSConn [6] none PMS connection counter
POrt [1] 1|2 Set radio port, modem tones, baud rate
PPersist ON|OFf Selects channel access timing method
PPRint [1] Msg #(s) Print PMS message(s) via printer port
PRefix   ($00) Specifies char. added to monitored frames
PRAutolf [1] ON|OFf Add line feed to each CR set to printer
PRInt [1] ON|OFf Enable printer port operation
PRPage [1] ON|OFf Enable control of printer pagination
PRPDisc [1] ON|OFf Send form feed char upon DISCONNECT
PRPGln [1] n = 1-99 (60) # of lines per page if PRPAGE is ON
PRTTOFf [1] n = 0-$7F ($0F^O) Disable print char (if PRTTgl ON)
PRTTON [1] n = 0-$7F $10(^P) Enable print char (if PRTTgl ON)
PRTTgl [1] ON|OFf Set print control via PRTTON/PRTTOFF
PRTUifra [1] ON|OFf Send monitored frames to printer port
RCVDFrmr [6] none Received frame rejection counter
RCVDIfra [6] none Received frame counter
RCVDRej [6] none Received reject frame counter
RCVDSabm [6] none Received SABM frame counter
RCVDRNr [6] none Received RNR frame counter
Read [5] # Display PMS message # to operator or user
REConnect call string Reestablish a connection via a new path
REDisplay n = 0-$7F ($12^R) Set character to print the input buffer
REMote ON|OFf Enables remote operation
REMSysop ON|OFf Enable Sysop functions for remote operator
RENUmber none Re-number all PMS messages starting with 1
RESET none Reset TNC and set bbRAM to default parameters
RESptime n = 0-250 Select the delay for sending an ACK (n * 100ms)
RESTART none Reset TNC using user supplied parameters
REtry n = 0-15 (10) Max number of retries (0 = infinity)
RFNPms callsign [via callsign #2] Force PMS rev forward via node
RFPms callsign [via callsign #2] Force PMS reverse forwarding
RTCSync ON|OFf Syncs real time clock with GPS time
RXAbort none (1) Receive abort counter
RXblock ON|OFf Format TNC data for computer processing
RXCount [6] none Received frame counter
RXErrors [6] none Received error counter
RXLenerr [6] none Received length error counter
RXResync [6] none Receive re-synchronization counter
Screelen n = 0-255 (0) Select line length (screen width) for terminal
SEND [4] or SP [5] callsign Creates a message to from user
SB [5] callsign Create a bulletin message
SEND or SP [5 callsign Create a message to from MYPcall
SEndpac n = 0-$7F ($0D CR) Select the character which sends frame
SENTFrmr [6] none Frame rejects sent counter
SENTIfra [6] none Information frames sent counter
SENTRej [6] none Frames rejects sent counter
SENTRNr [6] none RNR frames sent counter
SLOts n = 0-127 (2) Number of slots is SLOTS timing
SLottime n (50) Set KISS rigor in accessing channel
SR [5] Msg # Enter reply message to callsign of Msg # in PMS
ST [5] callsign Enter a ‘TRAFFIC’ msg to in PMS
STArt n = 0-$7F ($11^Q) Set XON char for data to the terminal
STATus none Query connection and frame acknowledgement status
STExt text PMS custom sign-on msg text (max 80 chars)
STOp n = 0-$7F ($13^S) Set XOFF char for data to terminal
STREAMCa OFf Select showing the callsign after stream identification.
STREAMDb ON|OFf Print the stream switch character once/twice (||A)
STReamsw n = 0-$FF ($7C ) Set the character to use to change streams
TKILlok ON|OFf Allows any PMS user to kill NTS messages
TRACe ON|OFf Select the hexadecimal trace mode
Trans none Place the TNC in TRANSPARENT mode
TRFlow ON|OFf Enable flow control to the terminal (TRANS mode)
TRIes n = 0-15 Set or display the current retry counter
TXCount [6] none Frames transmitted counter
TXdelay n = 0-120 (15) Keying delay for the transmitter (n * 10ms)
TXDELAYC n = 0-120 (12) Number of character times of extra TXD
TXFlow ON|OFf Enable flow control to the TNC (TRANS mode)
TXQovflw [6] none Transmit queue overflow counter
TXTmo [6] none Transmitter time out counter
TXUifram ON|OFf Enable sending UI frames in CONVERSE mode
UIBeacon ON|OFf Xmits BTEXT when callsign in unproto string
UILOc [1] ON|OFf Xmits LTEXT,L1text,L2text,L3text when callsign in UI string
UIMODe ON|OFf Immediate entry into CONMODE on power up
Unproto call string (CQ) Path and address to send UI frames
USers n = 0-10 (1) Sets the numbers of streams (connections)
Version [5] none Displays sign-on banner
Xflow ON|OFf XON/XOFF Flow control enabled vs hardware
XMitok ON|OFf Allow the transmitter to be keyed
XOff n = 0-$7F ($13^S) Set the character to stop data from terminal
XON n = 0-$7F ($11^Q) Set the character to start data from terminal