Upper case/bold portion of command is the shortest useable form.
Default values are in bold face type or parenthesis.
Call string = call #1[-n] [via call #2[-n] [call #3 [-n] … [call #9 [-n]]]
[1] Not available on all models [2] Default varies [3] Export only [4] PMS user only
[5] PMS user & SysOp [6] Identifies Health Counters and Indicators [7]Identifies Functions
Command | Argument | Description |
?APRS? [7] |
When found in the data field of a received frame, TNC initiates transmission of GPS capture buffers (see LOC) | |
3rdparty | ON|OFf |
Allow PMS messages to other than SysOp |
8bitconv | ON|OFf | Pass or strip high-order bit in CONV mode |
ACKprior | ON|OFf | Enable prioritized acknowledgements |
ACKTime | n = 0-250 (14) | Sets delay for prioritized acknowledgement |
ADrdisp | ON|OFf | Displays addresses for monitored frames |
AMonth | ON|OFf | Select alphabetic or numeric month in date |
ASyrxovr [6] | none | Async. receive overflow error counter |
ASYFrerrr [6] | none | Async. framing error counter |
ASYQover [6] | none | Async. overflow error counter |
AUTOFwd | ON|OFf | Enable automatic forwarding of PMS messages |
AUtolf | ON|OFf | Send linefeed to terminal after each CR |
AWlen | n = 7-8 | Number of bits in each byte sent to terminal |
Ax2512v2 | ON|OFf | Select Ver. 2.0 (ON) or 1.0 of AX.25 protocol |
AXDelay | n = 0-180 | Extra keyup delay for voice rptr (n * 0.1 sec) |
AXHang | n = 0-20 | Voice repeater hang time (n * 0.1 sec) |
BAud [1] | none | Sets terminal and radio baud rates |
BBfailed | none | bbRAM failure message |
BBSmsgs | ON|OFf | Alter message display for BBS applications |
Beacon | E|A n=0-250 | Beacon timing/mode (E|A)(0-250 *10 sec) |
BSLot | n = 0-59 (60) | Value indicates second to be used, 60 disables beacon slotting function |
BESLot | ON|OFf | (ON)Selects TDMA beacon timing (OFF) selects conventional timing |
BKondel | ON|OFf | Select (ON) backspace or del for DEL key |
BRAange [1] | n = 1-4 (3) | Sets beacon timer interval |
BReak | ON|OFf | Enable response to BREAK signal |
BSUBSLOT | n = 1-9 (0) | Value indicates tenth of a second slot to be used, 0 disables |
BText | text | Text to be sent as beacon (max 120 chars). BT % clears this field. |
BUdlist | ON|OFf | Treat LCALLS as the only stations to monitor |
Bye [4] | none | PMS user command to exit the PMS |
CALibra [1] | none | Enable calibrate mode for the built-in modem |
CALSet [1] | n = 0-65335 | Sets parameters for CAL “LED counter” |
CANline | n = 0-$7F | ($18 ^X) Sets Cancel-line character |
CANPac | n = 0-$7F | ($19 ^X) Sets Cancel-packet character |
CBell | ON|OFf | Enable (ON) connect bell on terminal |
CHeck | n = 0-250 | (12) Connection check time (n * 10 sec) |
CHECKV1 | ON|OFf | Enables Checktime for AX.25L2V1 |
CLKadj | n = 0-65335 | Real time clock adjustment (slows clock) |
CLKSet | ON|OFf | Enable clock setting by BBS connection |
CMdtime | n = 0-255 | (1) Sets the transparent mode timeout value |
CMSg | ON|OFf | Enable the connect message function |
CMSDGisc | ON|OFf | Enable forced disconnect after Connect Msg |
COMmand | n = 0-$7F | ($03) Set CONV to CMD mode entry character |
CONMode | CONV|TR | Mode to enter when connection occurs |
Connect | Call string | Open a connection via optional repeaters |
CONOk | ON|OFf | Enable accepting connections |
CONPerm | ON|OFf | Select temporary or permanent connection |
CONRPT | ON|OFf | Xmits GPS capture buffers (LTEXT, L1, L2, L3text), STEXT (if not blank), and CTEXT (if CMSG is ON) , when station connects to TNC |
CONStamp | ON|OFf | Print date and time on connect messages |
CONVerse | none | Enter CONV mode from CMD mode (alt = K) |
CPactime | ON|OFf | Enable CONV mode timed packet dispatch |
CR | ON|OFf | Select appending a CR to each data packet |
CRAfter | ON |OFf | Add CR after monitored frame |
CStatus | none | Display the status of all streams |
CText | text | Connect Message Text (120 characters). CT % clears this field. |
CWid [3] | E|A n=0-250 | CWID frequency/mode (E|A)(0-250 *100 sec) |
CWIdtext [3] | text | Up to 32 alphanumeric characters for CWID |
CWLen [3] | n = 1-9 | (6) Set CWID wpm (9=13, 6=20, 3=40) |
DAytime | yymmddhhmmss | Set or display date and time |
DAYUsa | ON|OFf [2] | Date format mm/dd/yy (ON) or dd-mm-yy |
DEAdtime | n = 0-250 | (20) Sets the length of the slot used in SLOTS |
DELete | ON|OFf | Select BS char: BS($08)(OFF) or DEL($7F) |
DIGI-NOT-OWN [7] | This function causes the TNC to never digipeat a frame that was originated with that TNC’s MYCALL. It prevents multiple repeating of the same frame due to multiple alias callsigns. | |
DIGI-ONCE [7] | This function causes the TNC to only digipeat a frame once when it finds its MYCALL in the path and the “has been repeated” bit is on. | |
DIGIpeat | n = 0-8 | 0= DIGIpeat OFF (the old DIGI N) 1=DIGIpeat ON and DIGI-SWAP enabled 2= DIGIpeat ON and DIGI-NOT-OWN enabled 3=DIGIpeat ON, DIGI-NOT-OWN and DIGI-SWAP enabled 4= DIGIpeat ON and DIGI-ONCE enabled 5= DIGIpeat ON , DIGI-SWAP and DIGI-ONCE enabled 6=DIGIpeat ON, DIGI-NOT-OWN and DIGI-ONCE enabled 7=DIGIpeat ON, DIGI-SWAP, DIGI-NOT-OWN, and DIGI-ONCE enabled (Default) 8=DIGIpeat ON (like the old DIGI Y with no new features) |
DIGISent [6] | none | Digipeated frames sent counter |
DIGI-SWAP [7] | This function causes the TNC to replace the alias call in a frame with the MYCALL when the TNC digipeats a frame. This allows subsequent stations to know the real path taken by the frame so that a reverse addressed frame may be sent back. It also puts valid packet station identification in the frame. | |
Disconnect | none | Teardown connection on current stream |
DISPlay | A,B,C,G,H,I,L,M,P,T | Display ALL or selected parameters (i.e G = GPS parameters, etc.) |
DWait | n = 0-250 | (0) Extra digipeater delay (n * 10 msec) |
Echo | ON|OFf | Echo parameters typed on keyboard |
EBEacon | ON|OFf | Sends BTEXT to the terminal port vice RF port |
EDithdr [5] | to call, @ call | Edit PMS message ‘to’ or ‘@ BBS’ callsigns |
ELOc | ON|OFf | Select async or RF location beacon |
EScape | ON|OFf | Set ESC character ($1B)(OFF) or ($24)(ON) |
FIrmrnr | ON|OFf | Reduce frequent polling of busy packet stations |
FIXType | n = 0-4 | (1) Type of search to indicate good GPS fix |
Flow | ON|OFf | Inhibit output to terminal while user is typing |
FOrward [5] | Msg # | Cause PMS Msg # to be reverse forwarded |
FNPms | callsign | [via callsign #2] Force PMS forward via node |
FPms | callsign | [via callsign #2] Force PMS forwarding |
FRack | n = 1-15 | (3) Set time to wait for packet ack |
FSCreen | ON|OFf | Select four column DISPLAY presentation |
FUllduplex | ON|OFf | Select simplex or duplex mode |
GPS | ON|OFf | Configure the serial port for a GPS receiver |
GPSExit | none | (1) Sets character to exit GPS scan mode |
GPSItext | blank | Command string sent to GPS if GPS=ON. GPSI % clears this field. |
GPSTExt | $GPGGA | Fill-in GPS NMEA-183 string to be used. GPSTE % clears this field. |
GPSType [1] | n = 0-8 | Selects type of GPS string format |
HEaderli | ON|OFf | Header and text on same/separate lines |
HEALled | ON|OFf | Normal/software test by CON/STA LEDs |
Help or ? [4] | none | PMS Help display for the PMS user |
HId | ON|OFf | Enable ID packet every 9.5 minutes |
HOMebbs | callsign | Callsign of ‘Home BBS’ serving you PMS |
HOvrerr [6] | none | HDLC over run error counter |
HUndrerr [6] | none | HDLC under run error counter |
Id | none | Send ID packet (UI frame via UNproto path |
Jlog [4] | none | Displays the MHEARD for the PMS user |
K | none | Alternative form of the CONV command |
KIll or Kill [4] | n | Kill (delete) message number n from PMS |
KILONFWD | ON|OFf | Kill (delete) PMS messages after forwarding |
KISs | ON|OFf | Select KISS mode. Must follow by RESTART |
KM [5] | none | Kill all PMS messages addressed to my callsign |
LCAlls | call # 1-8 | Callsigns to receive or ignore (see BUDLIST ) |
LCok | ON|OFf | Convert lower to UPPER case (async) |
LCStream | ON|OFf | Allow STREAM ID char to be lower case |
LFadd | ON|OFf | All Line Feed to each CR sent to terminal |
LFIgnore | ON|OFf | Filter embedded linefeeds in received data |
LGEtchar | n = 0-$7F | ($00) Set character to trigger async LTEXT dump ** LGEtchar should be set to $05 for use with APRS Release 74d and later** |
LG1text | none | String accepted from GPS for PMS history log. LG1 % clears this field. |
LG2text | none | String accepted from GPS for PMS history log. LG2 % clears this field. |
LG3text | none | String accepted from GPS for PMS history log. LG3 % clears this field. |
List [5] | none | List the 10 most recent PMS messages |
LOCation | E|A n =0-250 | Position report timing/mode (E|A)(0-250 *10sec ) |
LOGonmsg | ON|OFf | Enable standard PMS logon message |
LPATH | call string | (GPS) Path & address to send UI location frames |
LTEXT | Waiting Data from GPS | String accepted from GPS to be sent by LOC command. LTEXT % clears this field. |
L1text | Waiting Data from GPS | String accepted from GPS to be sent by LOC command. L1 % clears this field. |
L2 text | Waiting Data from GPS | String accepted from GPS to be sent by LOC command. L2 % clears this field. |
L3 text | Waiting Data from GPS | String accepted from GPS to be sent by LOC command. L3 % clears this field. |
LSLOT | n = 0-59 | (60) Selects second location beacon is sent |
LSLOTMIN | n = 0-59 | (60) Selects minute LSLOT timing applies to |
LSUBSLOT | none | Divides LSLOT into two time slots |
MAll | ON|OFf | Monitor connected frames and UI frames |
MAXframe[2] | n = 1-7 | (4) Number of outstanding frames allowed |
MCOM | ON|OFf | Display data/all (CON/DIS/UA/DM) frames |
MCon | ON|OFf | Monitor UI frames while connected |
MFilter | n = 0-$7F | Four characters to purge from monitored data |
MHClear | none | Clear the Calls Heard list |
MHeard | none | Shows calls heard and date/time (if clock set) |
MIne or Mine[4] | none | List messages to/from callsign |
MKiss | none | Immediate entry into KISS mode |
Monitor | ON|OFf | Monitor ON – see BUD, MALL, MCON, MST |
MRpt | ON|OFf | Display monitored digipeater paths |
MSGHdr | ON|OFf | Add message header to forwarded messages |
MSGRoute | ON|OFf | Deletes most BBS routing history in PMS msg |
MStamp | ON|OFf | Select time stamping of monitored frames |
MYAlias | call [-n] | (none) Alternate callsign (for digipeater use ) |
MY1alias | call [-n] | (none) Alternate callsign (for digipeater use) |
MY2alias | call [-n] | (none) Alternate callsign (for digipeater use) |
MY3alias | call [-n] | (none) Alternate callsign (for digipeater use) |
MYcall | call [-n] | (NOCALL) Station callsign for ID and linking |
MYPcall | call [-n] | (none) PMS callsign (different than MYCALL) |
MYRose | call [-n] | Callsign of local ROSE switch |
NEwmode | ON|OFf | Select timing and method of changing modes |
NODetext | text | (blank) Callsign string for FNPMS command. NOD % clears this field. |
NOmode | ON|OFf | Allow explicit mode change only |
NUcr | ON|OFf | Select sending NULLS ($00) after a CR |
NULf | ON|OFf | Select sending NULLS ($00) after a LF |
NULLs | n = 0-30 | # of nulls sent if NUcr or NULf enabled |
Paclen [2] | n = 0-255 | (128) Number of bytes of data in a frame |
PACTime | E|A n = 0-250 | (A 10) TRANS mode timer (n * 100 ms) |
PARity | n = 0-3 | Serial parity: 0/2=none, 1=odd, 3=even |
PASs | n = 0-$7F | ($16^V) Sets the value of the PASS char |
PASSAll | ON|OFf | Display frames with valid CRC or all frames |
PASSWD[1] | (PASSWORD) | Remote Call password (19 char maximum) |
PErsist | n = 0-255 | (63) Set threshold for KISS retry probability |
PIdcheck | ON|OFf | Select all protocol ID or PID F0 |
PMs | ON|OFf | Enable Personal Message System |
PMSConn [6] | none | PMS connection counter |
POrt [1] | 1|2 | Set radio port, modem tones, baud rate |
PPersist | ON|OFf | Selects channel access timing method |
PPRint [1] | Msg #(s) | Print PMS message(s) via printer port |
PRefix | ($00) Specifies char. added to monitored frames | |
PRAutolf [1] | ON|OFf | Add line feed to each CR set to printer |
PRInt [1] | ON|OFf | Enable printer port operation |
PRPage [1] | ON|OFf | Enable control of printer pagination |
PRPDisc [1] | ON|OFf | Send form feed char upon DISCONNECT |
PRPGln [1] | n = 1-99 | (60) # of lines per page if PRPAGE is ON |
PRTTOFf [1] | n = 0-$7F | ($0F^O) Disable print char (if PRTTgl ON) |
PRTTON [1] | n = 0-$7F | $10(^P) Enable print char (if PRTTgl ON) |
PRTTgl [1] | ON|OFf | Set print control via PRTTON/PRTTOFF |
PRTUifra [1] | ON|OFf | Send monitored frames to printer port |
RCVDFrmr [6] | none | Received frame rejection counter |
RCVDIfra [6] | none | Received frame counter |
RCVDRej [6] | none | Received reject frame counter |
RCVDSabm [6] | none | Received SABM frame counter |
RCVDRNr [6] | none | Received RNR frame counter |
Read [5] | # | Display PMS message # to operator or user |
REConnect | call string | Reestablish a connection via a new path |
REDisplay | n = 0-$7F | ($12^R) Set character to print the input buffer |
REMote | ON|OFf | Enables remote operation |
REMSysop | ON|OFf | Enable Sysop functions for remote operator |
RENUmber | none | Re-number all PMS messages starting with 1 |
RESET | none | Reset TNC and set bbRAM to default parameters |
RESptime | n = 0-250 | Select the delay for sending an ACK (n * 100ms) |
RESTART | none | Reset TNC using user supplied parameters |
REtry | n = 0-15 | (10) Max number of retries (0 = infinity) |
RFNPms | callsign | [via callsign #2] Force PMS rev forward via node |
RFPms | callsign | [via callsign #2] Force PMS reverse forwarding |
RTCSync | ON|OFf | Syncs real time clock with GPS time |
RXAbort | none | (1) Receive abort counter |
RXblock | ON|OFf | Format TNC data for computer processing |
RXCount [6] | none | Received frame counter |
RXErrors [6] | none | Received error counter |
RXLenerr [6] | none | Received length error counter |
RXResync [6] | none | Receive re-synchronization counter |
Screelen | n = 0-255 | (0) Select line length (screen width) for terminal |
SEND [4] or SP [5] | callsign | Creates a message to |
SB [5] | callsign | Create a bulletin message |
SEND or SP [5 | callsign | Create a message to |
SEndpac | n = 0-$7F | ($0D CR) Select the character which sends frame |
SENTFrmr [6] | none | Frame rejects sent counter |
SENTIfra [6] | none | Information frames sent counter |
SENTRej [6] | none | Frames rejects sent counter |
SENTRNr [6] | none | RNR frames sent counter |
SLOts | n = 0-127 | (2) Number of slots is SLOTS timing |
SLottime | n | (50) Set KISS rigor in accessing channel |
SR [5] | Msg # | Enter reply message to callsign of Msg # in PMS |
ST [5] | callsign | Enter a ‘TRAFFIC’ msg to |
STArt | n = 0-$7F | ($11^Q) Set XON char for data to the terminal |
STATus | none | Query connection and frame acknowledgement status |
STExt | text | PMS custom sign-on msg text (max 80 chars) |
STOp | n = 0-$7F | ($13^S) Set XOFF char for data to terminal |
STREAMCa | OFf | Select showing the callsign after stream identification. |
STREAMDb | ON|OFf | Print the stream switch character once/twice (||A) |
STReamsw | n = 0-$FF | ($7C ) Set the character to use to change streams |
TKILlok | ON|OFf | Allows any PMS user to kill NTS messages |
TRACe | ON|OFf | Select the hexadecimal trace mode |
Trans | none | Place the TNC in TRANSPARENT mode |
TRFlow | ON|OFf | Enable flow control to the terminal (TRANS mode) |
TRIes | n = 0-15 | Set or display the current retry counter |
TXCount [6] | none | Frames transmitted counter |
TXdelay | n = 0-120 | (15) Keying delay for the transmitter (n * 10ms) |
TXDELAYC | n = 0-120 | (12) Number of character times of extra TXD |
TXFlow | ON|OFf | Enable flow control to the TNC (TRANS mode) |
TXQovflw [6] | none | Transmit queue overflow counter |
TXTmo [6] | none | Transmitter time out counter |
TXUifram | ON|OFf | Enable sending UI frames in CONVERSE mode |
UIBeacon | ON|OFf | Xmits BTEXT when callsign in unproto string |
UILOc [1] | ON|OFf | Xmits LTEXT,L1text,L2text,L3text when callsign in UI string |
UIMODe | ON|OFf | Immediate entry into CONMODE on power up |
Unproto | call string | (CQ) Path and address to send UI frames |
USers | n = 0-10 | (1) Sets the numbers of streams (connections) |
Version [5] | none | Displays sign-on banner |
Xflow | ON|OFf | XON/XOFF Flow control enabled vs hardware |
XMitok | ON|OFf | Allow the transmitter to be keyed |
XOff | n = 0-$7F | ($13^S) Set the character to stop data from terminal |
XON | n = 0-$7F | ($11^Q) Set the character to start data from terminal |