Ofcom – Licence Revocation

It is understood about 1,000 amateur radio licences will be in the first batch set to be revoked by Ofcom

Prior to the introduction of the lifetime licence in December 2006 licences had expired if not renewed annually. After 2006 Ofcom were still able to cancel lifetime licences if requested by the holder but it appears a process was not in-place to enable them to revoke an amateur licence.

If Ofcom wishes to revoke a wireless telegraphy licence, it must follow these steps:
• notify the licensee of the reasons for which it proposes to revoke the licence;
• specify a period in which the licensee may make representations;
• decide whether or not to revoke the licence within one month of the end of that period; and
• notify the holder of its decision within a week of making it.

The first batch to be revoked will comprise Amateur Radio Licences which were due to be revalidated between September 2012 and January 2013, both months being inclusive. Ofcom will be using the last known postal address held on file for correspondence with the holder.

Ofcom announcement

How to revalidate your licence

Source :  http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2015/october/ofcom_licence_revocation.htm

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